Potty training or toilet training is a big step for both parents and children. Being successful at it requires good timing and patience. The biggest question among parents is, “When do we start?” It is important to understand that age is not a factor in determining readiness. Some children show signs of readiness early while some may surpass the recommended age. In any case, there is no need to worry. Instead of depending on age, look for signs your toddler is ready for potty training:
They can follow simple instructions.
They understand the concept of using the potty.
They associate pooping or peeing with going to the toilet.
Their diaper stays dry for 2 or more hours.
They can pull their pants, shorts, or underpants down.
They show an interest in using the potty or wearing regular underpants as opposed to diapers.
On average, most children display one or more of these signs between 18 and 24 months. Once again, your child may not fall within this range, and that is perfectly normal. Some also suggest that boys start later and take longer to be potty trained. However, each child is unique, and each one learns at their own pace. Once you know your child is ready, the next question is, “How to potty train your toddler?”
Here Are Some Effective Potty-training Methods to Help You Get Started:
Gradually Start Talking About the Toilet – When you spot signs of readiness, don’t directly take your child, and place them on a potty. Start by including it in your conversations and stories. Tell them that you are going to use the toilet when you need to go. While reading a story, incorporate a line adding that their favorite character needs to use the toilet. Make potty training fun for toddlers. Raising awareness and creating comfort around the subject will encourage them to use the toilet.
Get The Right Equipment – The most important rule is to not leave those little feet dangling. The best potty-training seats for toddlers are ones on which their feet are firmly placed on the floor or a footstool. Consider getting a baby potty seat that can be placed on the floor, which is ideal for toddlers. Another option is a potty step stool, which can be attached to the toilet seat. Children can climb the steps and be seated, which is a great option for preschoolers.
Try To Follow a Schedule – Toddlers may not always tell you when they need to go, but it may be useful to follow a rough schedule. For instance, make them sit on the potty as soon as they wake up, right after meals and snacks, and just before bedtime. This will also help them get used to the act of sitting on a potty.
Prepare For a Back and Forth – You may have started toilet training, but do not expect perfection. Sometimes, your child may voluntarily sit on the potty, but they may not go. Or they may do it perfectly for two days and then go back to wetting their pants on the third. Toilet training is a long, arduous process, and it is best to prepare for several failures before succeeding.
Praise And Reward – It is normal for accidents to happen when you start toilet training. Some children may continue to have accidents until they are 5 or 6 years old. It’s important not to punish your child for wetting or soiling their pants. They are still learning and achieving control can be challenging. The best rewards for potty training are providing encouragement, gentle praising, and perhaps awarding tiny stars or stamps when they use the toilet correctly. Positive reinforcement can work wonders here.
Establish The Importance of Good Hygiene – Good habits last a lifetime, and it is best to inculcate them from day one. Hand washing should be part of their routine from the very beginning. Regardless of whether they went or not, ensure that they clean, flush, and wash their hands each time they use the toilet.
Let Go of Diapers – Once you have successfully been in training for a few weeks, it is time to ditch those diapers and switch to training pants or regular kiddy pants. Cleaning up in case an accident occurs might be tiresome, but it is essential that your child gets used to living without diapers. Nighttime potty training might be a bit more challenging. Children take longer to stay dry through the nights. Make sure they use the toilet just before bedtime and use disposable training pants along with dry sheets or mattress covers. Gradually, they will learn to conquer this as well.
Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid
You and your child may both be ready to embark on the toilet training process. However, it is wise to put it off for a while under some conditions. If you have already begun, it is perfectly all right to pause and restart when both you and your child are comfortable.
If you are travelling or have plans to travel – It is best to be in the comfort of your home when trying to make changes or cultivate new habits in children.
If you are about to give birth or just had a baby – Mothers may have other things on their mind if they are almost due or have just given birth. Embarking on a new journey with your toddler, particularly one that requires patience and time, may not be ideal. Allow yourself and your child to adjust to the new member in the family before you start potty training.
If you are relocating – Do not consider potty training when making significant life changes such as moving to a new city or a new house. Settle in and allow everyone to readjust into their new lives before going ahead.
If your child is unwell – Give your little one a break if they are sick. They tend to be cranky and in need of love when they are under the weather and enforcing potty schedules might backfire.
Early child development is a wondrous and rapid process, which makes children easily trainable. While toilet training may seem like a mammoth and endless task, everyone is sure to succeed. All it takes is good team effort between parents and children.